Life, Family and a Cozy Home

Life, Family and a Cozy Home

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

love is in the air...

As most of us , I look at my wedding picture and think of how young we look. I don't so much mean physical..(that too) but the naive mindset and young ideals. I am married 14 years (I think..I actually lose count and every year have to count from the year we were married). Life happens and sometimes often you are left like..Whaaat? This is not how it was supposed to be! Like in any marriage we have those days, months and maybe even years. (Promise this post gets positive)
I am married to my best friend. A man that stands strong in the weakest of moments and laughs at my craziest. Marriage can be a roller coaster ,usually is. Why jump off when you go down? 14 years and 3 kids later..I have learned so much. My ideals are way different, things that I thought were important..aren't and others that I thought weren't ... are.  We still ride the roller coaster but with different eyes...more forgiving, a different kind of love, enduring and we hold on tight to eachother.

I look at the adoring looks on my daughters faces when he brought home pink roses last night for his girls or the admiring and excited look on my sons face when he got to give me my flowers, he winked at his dad and said "Happy Valentines Day , Mommy"  ...  Love is definitely in the air

Happy Valentines Day! xoxo